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ACEM Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
Speaker Profile Image

Dr Alison lally

Ed Staff Specialist - CHS

Professional Bio

Works as a FACEM at Canberra Hospital Emergency Department with special interests in many areas - ultrasound, women's health and paediatrics.  A key area to improve in our emergency department is the approach to our neurodiverse patients, in particular autistic children.  We all enjoy medicine as we learn something new all the time.  I have learnt the most from my son, who has been my greatest teacher.  With all he has taught me, I am committed to educating more medical staff about the approach to the neurodiverse individual in the over stimulating, unpredictable setting of the emergency department.  This not only relates to children but also to our adult population too.  This is a vulnerable population who do not frequently present, and when they do can prove to have some challenges associated with assessment and management.  During this session, I hope to provide you some insight into the mind of a neurodiverse patient, and some strategies to help, and hopefully inspire you to take this back to your workplace and implement.  

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